Kinerja dan Potensi Daerah Irigasi di Kabupaten Pati

Arieyanti Dwi Astuti, Jatmiko Wahyudi, Herna Octivia Damayanti



The management of irrigation networks affects agricultural productivity. Apart from agriculture, the development of local resource potential needs to do  to spur community economic development. The objectives of this research were (1) to analyze the irrigation area performance, and (2) to analyze the potential of the irrigation area in Pati Regency. This research was a descriptive study with quantitative approach held in February-September 2020 with the research location in the Gabus Irrigation Area, Cabean Irrigation Area, Sonorejo Irrigation Area, Keden Irrigation Area, Bendo Irrigation Area, and Lenggi Irrigation Area. Samples were members of the Water User Farmer Association and farmers in the research location. The research sample was taken by the purposive sampling technique. Analysis of performance uses the of the minister of public works and public housing regulation Number 12/PRT/M/2015 and evaluation of RAP (Rapid Appraisal Procedure), while for analysis of potential irrigation area it was calculated by scoring. The result of this research was a that performance in the Irrigation area of Pati Regency was poor  and it needs attention category, while the agricultural sector was still the most potential for the Irrigation area and other fields that have begun to develop was the livestock sector.



Pengelolaan jaringan irigasi sangat berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas pertanian. Kinerja dalam pengelolaan jaringan irigasi sangat penting dalam upaya meningkatkan produksi pertanian. Selain pertanian, pengembangan potensi sumber daya lokal perlu dilakukan untuk memacu pembangunan ekonomi masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) menganalisis kinerja daerah irigasi di Kabupaten Pati dan (2) menganalisis potensi daerah irigasi di Kabupaten Pati. Penelitian merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari-September 2020. Lokasi penelitian di Daerah Irigasi (DI) Gabus Kecamatan Gabus, DI Cabean Kecamatan Winong, DI Sonorejo Kecamatan Jakenan, DI Keden Kecamatan Tambakromo, DI Bendo Kecamatan Margoyoso dan DI Lenggi Kecamatan Dukuhseti Kabupaten Pati. Sampel dalam penelitian adalah anggota Perkumpulan Petani Pemakai Air (P3A) dan petani di daerah irigasi lokasi penelitian. Teknik pengambilan sampel penelitian dilakukan secara purposive sampling. Analisis data kinerja dengan berdasarkan Permen PUPR No.12/PRT/M/2015 dan Evaluasi RAP (Rapid Appraisal Procedure), sedangkan untuk analisis potensi daerah irigasi dihitung dengan metode skoring. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kinerja DI di Kabupaten Pati masuk kategori kinerja jelek dan perlu perhatian. Sektor pertanian masih merupakan sektor paling potensial untuk DI sedangkan sektor lain yang sudah mulai berkembang yaitu sektor peternakan.


pertanian, daerah irigasi, jaringan irigasi, kinerja, potensi

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