Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan dan Loyalitas Konsumen Kopi Tempur
Satisfaction is the feeling of consumers after using a product, then represented consumer appraisal toward the successfulnnes of that product. Meanwhile, loyalty is the fulfillment of consumer expectations that triggers them to remain loyal to the product. The study aims to analyze consumer satisfaction and loyalty. The measurement of consumer satisfaction involved 27 atributes, whilst consumer loyalty analysis including 4 variables. This study involved 100 respondents that were chosen through accidental sampling. The data were obtained through survey method using questionnaire and interview. The consumer satisfaction was measured using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) methods, while consumer loyalty was analyzed using linear regression. IPA analysis showed that nearly a half of atributes were located in Quadran II, meant those should be maintened and 10 atributes were in Quadran III, meant those were considered as lower priorities. CSI analysis resulted consumer analysis was on satisfied level (79,5%), mainly regarding on facillity and service provisions. Next, consumer satisfaction was determined simultaneously by product quality, price, promotion, and taste. Furthermore, product quality and taste contributed directly and indirectly (through costumer satisfaction) to costumer loyalty, while location and price only have indirect contribution (through satisfcation) to costumer loyalty.
Kepuasan adalah perasaan konsumen setalah menggunakan produk yang kemudian melakukan penilaian terhadap keberhasilan produk tersebut, sedangkan loyalitas merupakan terpenuhinya harapan konsumen yang memicu untuk tetap setia tehadap produk. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat kepuasan serta loyalitas konsumen. Pengukuran kepuasan konsumen melibatkan 27 atribut, sedangkan analisis loyalitas mencakup 4 variabel. Data diperoleh dari metode survei dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan wawancara. Kepuasan konsumen diukur menggunakan metode Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) dan Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), sedangkan loyalitas konsumen dianalisis menggunakan regresi linier. Analisis IPA menunjukkan bahwa hampir separuh atribut berada pada kuadran II yang berarti harus dipertahankan dan 10 atribut pada kuadran III yang berarti atribut termasuk dalam prioritas rendah. Analisis CSI menghasilkan analisis konsumen berada pada tingkat puas (79,56%), terutama terkait fasilitas dan penyediaan layanan. Selanjutnya, kepuasan konsumen dipengaruhi oleh kualitas produk, location, taste promosi, dan price. Sementara itu, kualitas produk dan rasa berpengaruh secara langsung maupun berpengaruh tidak langsung (melalui kepuasan) terhadap loyalitas, sedangkan tempat dan harga hanya berpengaruh secara tidak langsung (melalui kepuasan) terhadap loyalitas.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.33658/jl.v19i2.351
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